Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tricko Sicko-phant
Yeah, right. The distribution and sale of a propaganda film that has been made by the phony left--and thus The Giant Media Corp.--to contain the debate on the medical industry is going to be undermined by individual theatres? Well maybe the film will flop, that is if the powers that be on top, the spindoctors, can’t invent controversies like this piracy crap to make people curious, to trick more victims of this soulless propaganda into seeing it. Whether it makes any money or not at the box office is not the motive of the Giant Media Corp. anyway (you can't have any more access to resources than infinite access, therefore money means nothing to these peopole) they just want people to see it and take it ALL in, only to be seduced into thinking that the only problem with the medical system is that it fails sometimes to cure everyone and sometimes insurance policies are hard to enforce by their consumers.
The movie does nothing but tell us what we already know.
Michael Moore. Yawn.
Meanwhile, we have all of the conservative and “liberal” news hounds barking about it. The conservatives call Michael Moore a liberal hack, and the liberals call him a refreshing voice, a voice for the common man.
And that is exactly what he is: a voice for the common man. His work is a prepackaged, sterile, contrived, tool of big business to 1) give a vent to common frustration; 2) to give the illusion that the mass media does allow dissent; 3) to contain the debate; 4) possibly to manufacture consent for a socialized healthcare system which would make it mandatory for mothers to give their babies shots and infant formula and many other totalitarian pressures to the people it chooses to “treat.” The new socialized healthcare system can suck people into the vortex of the medical mafia where they can be tagged and sterilized with any one of thousands of fancy new killer pharmaceuticals.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Innocence Lost, Sanity Found
Today there was a story in the NYTimes discussing “opposition” to appointment of James W. Holsinger as the new Surgeon General of the
Surgeon General Nominee Is Assailed for Church Role
Published: June 9, 2007
WASHINGTON, June 8 — President Bush’s nomination of Dr. James W. Holsinger Jr., a Kentucky cardiologist, to be surgeon general is drawing criticism from gay rights groups, physicians and lawmakers who say they are troubled by opinions critical of homosexuality that Dr. Holsinger has voiced in nearly 20 years as a high-ranking layman in the United Methodist Church.
Dr. Holsinger’s friends within the
The critics said they were worried that Dr. Holsinger might not serve gay men and lesbians fairly as surgeon general, the nation’s chief health educator, largely because of a report he wrote in 1991 for a United Methodist committee that essentially described male homosexuality as unnatural.
They also point to his service on the board of a Methodist group that in 1998 criticized the “radical homosexual/lesbian lobby” for trying to force the church “to grant approval to the practice of homosexuality.”
Critics have also cited Dr. Holsinger’s leadership of the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church, the denomination’s highest court, which in late 2005 decided to reinstate a pastor who had been suspended for refusing to allow a gay man to join his congregation, a decision the church’s bishops later rejected.
“If he says, ‘In my religious tradition, homosexuality is considered sinful, unnatural,’ that’s his right,” said Joel Ginsberg, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. Citing opinions by medical associations that homosexuality is not a disorder, Mr. Ginsberg said, “But if he says it is pathological, he is speaking from a discredited scientific viewpoint.”
A good prong in the strategy of this red-herring article was to cover a fake “demonstration” (probably set up by one of various intelligence agency (“peace movements”) accusing him of being anti-gay because he wrote a letter one time to some religious organization saying that sex between men was “unnatural.”
This serves the purpose of telling the public that, to the media and other concerned organizations, this issue of whether or not this guy said he thinks gays are unnatural is very pertinent and totally important. It serves to paint the illusion that things as mundane as moral statements are as much of homosexuality as anyone in the media is even aware of; after all, the illusion goes, they are all totally innocent and naïve when it comes to gayness.
Accept when large numbers of high ranking sophistos are caught red-handed with thousands of credit card receipts from
Well, what they say to that history is: nothing. They just shut up about it. Then they put out these stories about extremely less interesting issues and act like those are at the pinnacle of newsworthiness, as racy as things can get, and act totally incredulous with a totally straight face at the appalling nature of what this guy wrote down about gays!
Since I am not sensitive anymore to the immorality of slanderous speech (the media is the Kingdom of Unfounded Libelonia), I can ask these questions. What about what he possibly sticks in the anus of gays? Do they even care? No, because, they are all living an extremely sexually liberal lifestyles while they prescribe genital-guilt to the unwitting masses who know nothing of tantric bliss, kama sutra, or "sex majick" with infants and toddlers. The masses must remain so monogamous that natural curiosities we have about others should make us want to self-flagellate
I would have to say that the fact that this guy was a high-ranking member of a Christian church, which puts him in the company of many people who not only know plenty about homosexuality but actually train young boy in the art, is much more newsworthy than his feelings on gayness.
There is really an issue with his being a supposed "radical homosexual" hater though. Will he promote even more AIDS “prevention” and target gay people with “life-saving” AIDS drugs? Probably, or he would not be being nominated, stupid.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
In a White Room, With a Gansfeld, on Your Eyes…
Some bitch named Laura Volkoff, Director if the National Institute on Drug Abuse and granddaughter of Leo Trotsky, says her research proves that drug addiction is a disease. I wonder if it proves that the withdrawal from alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and THC is exactly the same, because the case that they are all the same is the only one which would allow pronouncing all of them symptoms of the same disease.
Only a simple minded person would think of a person who does heroin to prevent him/herself from being sick as having the same disease as the person who really is craving a joint. The human drives, motivation, and personality have been studied extremely extensively. It is well known that circumstances almost completely dictate deviations from normal human motivation. Maslow in his 1970 revision of Motivation and Personality said that it is a mistake to judge the actions of someone whose basic needs are not being met as if that person’s needs are being met since the actions of people who are deprived of even one basic need, like sex, will do just about anything to placate that frustration if a mode of placation is available. Studies on Sensory Deprivation at McGill University demonstrated this over and over. (For insight into sensory deprivation read Inside the Black Room and The Brain Benders.)
Basically, truthfully, the Megalomania Gang who runs things has this overpopulation problem. Many people’s needs are not being met: social, sexual, psychological, etc. In the place of these needs, the social engineers give those people drugs, alcohol, and TV. The TV ensures their attention spans and abilities to rid themselves of boredom are truncated and then stunted permanently from a very young age (Jane Healy, Endangered Minds). Then they blame their victims and stigmatize them with a label of DISEASED when they do drugs because of many, many factor and convergent circumstances.
It is true that the original connotation of the word disease is just what the conjunction of the two Latin diphthongs implies: a lack of ease in a subject. I am not “easy” indeed with the feeling of never having sex again. Drives regulated in the hypothalamus are extremely powerful, so much so that people will suicide if they are not fulfilled.
Now this jackass bitch Laura Volkoff (sp?) is trying to say that she just discovered that addictions to all sorts of things are much the same. This might be correct on a physical level, i.e. the limbic system and, even lower in the hierarchy, the R-complex are very sensitive to remembered pleasures, especially in the conspicuous absence of other salient experiences. On a social, spiritual, and psychological level, there are extremely complicated qualifications and intricately intertwined factors such that one neurobiologist’s circular, water-is-wet logic should not discount the extreme and deliberate deprivation by the Megalomaniac Gang of a large number of people of a reasonably quality life and the effect that deprivation has. Of course, the NIDA stresses vehemently and repeatedly that genetic factors affect one’s propensity to develop an addiction after trying a drug. This might be somewhat true, but social circumstances such as sexual deprivation or ostracism probably have a lot more to do with whether or not the first time a drug is used—and it happens to cure your frustrated libido, thus becomes associated in your brain with a very powerful drive, and therefore triggers your very powerful hypothalamus to tell you to do it again—total dependence and obsession ensues.
If A = B and B = C, then A = A, B = B, C = C, and A = C, definitely
I got some stuff I’ve been wanting to get off my chest for a long time. Now is as good a time as any I figure. In the words of the character Howard Beale from the movie Network, “The final revelation is at hand. I’ve bared witness to the light.”
What this is all about is this. When you talk about modern propaganda and such, you here a lot about how social engineers from think-tanks in D.C., on Madison Avenue, from Chicago to Moscow have been “dumbing down the masses” and such. And I can hear the most perceptive of my imaginary audience saying, “Yeah, tell us something we don’t know.” And I answer them that I feel exactly the same way. I need a fresh revelation to embolden the spirit, to validate my otherwise useless life, my futile intelligence.
This web log has been promised as a medium by which the hidden will be found, a forum to expose the somewhat complex if transparent machinations ‘perfected’ by centuries of practice at blowing smoke and placing mirrors ever so clumsily, so clumsily that those with a careful use of cross-referencing of the facts they hold to be true in their memories can see the lies clearly when they contradict those memories. Unfortunately, when such a promise is fulfilled, all one is left with is a void, a sense that all is an illusion and stuff of reality is without one’s grasp. Too bad I say; better to be careening down an endless mountain on skis with control, avoiding the moguls rather than flying straight down, I say, because either way is eternity. If the white nothing all around you leaves you cold, tough titty. Or a better analogy, better to be in the white nothing of the prison sphere in the movie THX138 than to be taking your prescribed doses of the various mind and body numbing drugs the victims of that ‘fictional’ society were compelled to ingest. So, in using my careful card-catalogue mind, I will now give you a couple of examples of the kind of silogistic reasoning so needed in our world.
It has been proven that the “communist” government of Russia was set up by western powers circa 1917 at least as much as the official story: that it was set up by two radicals named Trotsky and Lenin who could instantly gain control and the loyalty of a vast, well entrenched power structure of industry, academics, police, military and government.
It is very easy to see the impossibility of such a miracle and that the dominant businessmen of the world needed an enemy for the purpose of covering their imperialist domination with a veneer of baffled and desperate morality; every time these businesses wanted to consolidate their resources to secure even more of the same, they justified bold slaughter by claiming even more boldly and brazenly that the communists would get to it (the thrid world presumably) first if the moral Americans didn't "do the right thing!"
What few realize is that what they were saying was true, but not for the reasons most people assume. Most of the egalitarian countries, mostly agrarian and cooperative, like southeast Asian and South American towns, villages, and other communities were in effect communist, i.e. one may assume that before “Westernization,” so called third world countries had monetary systems that were fairly unorganized, not centralized, and accounted for wealth more with memories of handshakes than with vast archives of balance sheets and the like; by sticking steadfastly to the modern connotations of our vernacular largely created by MegaCorp., they never lied: they realy were fighting real communism (blowing up and raping communes) and the laugh is on all those who didn’t get it all through the twentieth century.
Ahem, back to the point. Even though it is well established that "Communist" Russia was a large pretext, there are now all of these people on the internet who talk about—in a tone as serious as a heart attack brought on by electronic weapons—how MKULTRA was begun to make a Manchurian candidate because the Russians had already gone ahead of us in mind control and brainwashing techniques so we had to catch up. In other words, practically in the same breath, they will assert that the Military Industrial Complex of the world is all the same entity (the one that set up Russia as a pretext) and then that the Soviets and the Americans were bitterly divided in their intelligence work, so much so that a Manchurian Candidate would be built for the purpose of assassinating the bitter enemy of the United States and allied Europe: the Russians, who were put in place by the same people who were doing the mind control.
Here we come to the syllogism: if international cabal created Russia, that is if international cabal and Russia were of the same beast, and international cabal is into various methods of mind control, they would have no motivation to catch up with the ‘Russians’, themselves in every respect. Said in another way: if the Beast of Revelation is the Beast of Revelation, and he has balls, then he, categorically if in his right mind (and I don’t take the Arch Fiend to be feeble in mind), would not punch himself in the balls.
In light of all this not-so-fuzzy thinking, I must instruct further that the Manchurian Candidate scenario was obviously a boilerplate story put out, first by
Which brings us again to where we began, trying to clear the smoke. That’s easy. There is a formula which emerges here when one takes into considerations the platitudinous slogans like “United We Stand.” The power brokers of the world are united, while they draw false dotted lines between one another to make the masses less suspicious of a giant, global feudalism conspiracy; the power brokers say the masses are “united” and that they thusly “stand” together in a unit when in reality the masses are divided exploiting every real and potential difference one can imagine including race, class, gender, and other themes common to every person’s life.
The scientific precision being perfected by the scrupulous researchers of the essence of, supposedly, God’s creation, man, is cruelly efficient and, when implemented on us guinea pigs, sets up a distinct dualism in the minds of most, which if resisted by any unlucky souls, a sure punishment is bound to ensue, akin to the punishment John Nada receives for the crime of putting the glasses on in the movie They Live. Think of some examples of the dualism of it all: Republicans and Democrats; Capitalists and Communists; the CIA and FBI, neither of whom can share information with the other TO PREVENT HUGE JETS FROM CAREENING INTO URBAN CENTERS because of their bitterly divisive rivalry; The FED and Wall Street; The Liberal media and the Conservative one; the Hawks and Doves; pro-lifers and pro-deathers; talk about sweeping generalizations. Christ in a limo!
I heard Click and Clack of the syndicated talk show Car Talk talking the other day about “sweeping generalizations,” as if they and all their friends were totally innocent of such hypoanalytical thinking. Huh. Every issue covered in the media begs the audience to take its Prozac and to not worry about that pesky little itch in their brain that tells them to think or die, to carefully analyze and dissect every issue, again, cross-referencing every proclamation and declaration to expose it as the oversimplification not worthy of a middle school essayist that it is.
Of course, in their usual self-congratulatory manner, they, the “elite,” with the slavish media in their employ, beat up on the whole horde of supposed idiots and call them cowards for not daring to speak up even if they do figure something out of the endlessly contradicting maze of reality they have set up in this real time movie we call the 21st century. They fail to mention that when a person does speak up, they are swiftly taken to room 101 where they are made a stark and mortifying example of by being tortured back into their upper-middle class stupor or their lower class inebriation, whichever was their former—simultaneously rightful and wrongful—place.
Nope, you can’t win for losing. The bastards are winning by attrition. One cannot, must not, read between the lines; one must not undo the millions of man hours that went into creating the current giga-delusion, unless one desires heinous torture.
So who is with me? All in favor of the mandate of this blog cleverly allude to your agreeability by suggesting belief and support of propaganda stories substituted for history so obvious as to make any believer look totally silly. I will know you don’t mean it, don’t worry.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Big Dead One
How bout this you f ****n’ loudmouths? I’m f****n’ sick of hearing all of this speculation on the internet, and all of the disinformation posing as radical sleuthing. I’m setting the record straight right here and now. Totally straight.
The world is a real-time war play, Hollywood style, performed by actors of all sorts, who inhabit every town in the world. The stage is the Earth. There is a global gang of insiders of all stripes who are entertaining the world with this fake play/movie (daily PR stunts) until the superfluous population of outsiders is sterilized, imprisoned, and otherwise generally thinned out (at which time they will emerge as the morlocks vs. the eloy?). What will be left is a very usable population of outsiders.
Supporting Realities:
The “War in
Or if you don’t like that layer of the onion, you peel back another and see that they are childish imperialists who seek control of the oil business, so by invading one country,
Or if you can see a slit in that layer, you might want to remove it to expose a nice integral, whole, safe onion, and see that The Bush Family, along with exactly 3.5486329 other Skull and Bones members, are dealing drugs and oil.
No matter what, you never should see the global gang of cabalists that lurk in every city, everywhere who are playing out this movie, complete with thousands of distractions, some primary, some secondary; some acute, some chronic. In the end, they will emerge as a group of separate and very unequal rulers in a hierarchy of many colors and creeds whose slaves are interspersed among them without even knowing it. Yes that is right, that time is now and that is what is.
If you are unaware of what I am talking about, then you are a slave.
If you are already aware, Hello.
If you have known about this forever, Hi as**ole. I have your number!
End of story.
You watch, they will call me crazy but history will bear me out to be the most intuitive interpolator of them all, i.e. since I don’t hear anyone out there agreeing with me, you must all be wrong.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Exercit Ex Occulto
What does this have to do with anything you might ask? This has everything to do with everything. If you don't understand the various arts of deception that have become the common currency that grants some players an endless access to the vast resources of our world, you are lost indeed. This site is dedicated to the deconstruction of the whole funhouse. Nothing is sacred. No enemy is too foreboding to discover; no crypt too looming to decipher.
So have fun. I'll see you in a time in the not-so-distant future when we will see every facet of human interaction, economic, political, social or otherwise, clearly and without the muddying effects of the myriad of common belief and ritual.