Thursday, August 2, 2007

Millionares in the Mist

Here's Something quick for my "audience" to discuss.

Some local kids, one a victim of the "civil war" in Sudan, on a local radio program were talking about the mating customs of Sudanese people. They were saying how Sudanese men can take many wives—as long as they “have the money” to take care of them. This perhaps seeks to make Africans appear more primitive?

However primitive Africans may be, the only difference between Anglo-American and Africans, with respect to their mating habits, is that the polygamy of some dominant Africans is well known since it is publicized whereas the “polygamy” of Anglo-American dominant men is more covertly expressed in the burgeoning prostitution, child and adult prostitution, afforded only by American and other white, European men that “have the money;” American publicists have erected a morality that is impossible to adhere to so the members of the American monied class take many “wives” in secret and abuse them and exploit them, as opposed to the much more civilized practice of Africans who actually support and love their wives, maybe not ideally so, but the practices of the average African is definitely no more cruel than raping child sex-slaves, of which over 100,000 exist in the U.S. by many reports.

In fact, a report on CSEC(commercian sexual explotation of children)that was released one day before 911, a report prepard by faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, reveals the brutality right here in the U.S. that goes mostly unnoticed and almost completely unreported in the United States presses.


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